Before the Civil War, Franklin County was home to several Indian tribes including the Osage and Ottawa. (Other tribes who settled in Franklin county included: the Piankeshaws, Weas and Peorias; Sacs and Foxes; Chippewas and Munsees.
History of the State of Kansas by William G. Cutler's, 1883.).
As settlers arrived, the county became a battleground between Free-Staters and Slaveholders with visits by Missouri Boarder Ruffians. In 1856, the Pottawatomie Rifle Company was organized in nearby
Pottawatomie valley. Composed of Free-State men, about one
hundred in number, its captain was John Brown, Jr..
Briles Schoolhouse, founded 1868 |
Briles Schoolhouse – Built in 1868 and closed in 1960, the school is now a community center, Through the efforts of the Full O’ Pep 4-H, the State Highway Dept. paid to have the school moved in lieu of paying for the right-of-way when K-68 Highway was widened in 1980.
The DirtBum
The school, on Highway 68 at Texas Road, is Stop 8 on the
Driving Tour of Northeast Franklin County.The school is District 48 on the Kansas Historical Atlas for 1903. The land was deeded by John Briles, 9 July 1868, for the consideration of 1 cent, 1 acre (SW1/4 of S30 T16 R21).
From the notes of
Philetus Fales (Classics teacher, Ottawa University administrator, superintendent of the Indian Department, and twice Franklin
County superintendent of schools).
Dec.31, 1868 “Visited school in District 48. Fine stone schoolhouse,
but not furnished. On account of mud, only slim attendance. Mr. McClure
teacher, 35 enrolled.”
By 1869, the school was down to 19 students.
Franklin County Digital History.
WC Briles is the land owner of record on the 1903 Kansas Atlas Township/Range 16-21.
detail, Peoria Township 1903 |
detail, Franklin County, 1903 Kansas Atlas |
Peoria Township, Township/Range 16-21
Franklin County, Kansas Atlas 1903 |
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